Infant Oral Health

Bringing your little one to the dentist early teaches good dental habits and helps avoid fear of the dentist.

Before you turn two, we want to see you!

Did you know that children should visit the dentist by their first birthday?

Tooth decay is the number one chronic infectious disease affecting children in the United State but is largely preventable. By age 5, about 60% of children will be affected by tooth decay. One effort, adopted and advanced since 2001 by national specialty organizations—including the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)—is the age one dental visit, which holds strong promise in primary disease prevention and in early identification of at risk infants and toddlers. Our office has a room specifically designed for infant oral health and love to see parents who start regular dental visits early.

But what if they only have two teeth?

It’s more than just looking at the teeth. These appointments include prenatal counseling, a comprehensive lap exam (evaluating the tongue, gums, tonsils, teeth eruption patterns), toothbrush cleaning, x-rays (if needed), oral hygiene instruction, nutritional counseling, anticipatory guidance, teething tips, managing pacifier/thumb sucking habits, and custom fluoride/xylitol recommendations.

Actually saves you money

Cost-benefit analysis of the “Age One Dental Visit” for private insured (published in Pediatric Dentistry 2015) concluded lowered annual cost per child supports age one dental visits in the privately insured population.

So bring your little one in. Teach good habits early. Avoid fear of dentist.

  • First visit (by age 1)
  • Which toothpaste? (Fluoride, Xylitol, training, etc.)
  • Prenatal counseling
  • Teething
  • Bottle to cup
  • Early signs of caries
  • Pacifier/thumb habits
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